Veteri Productions is excited to announce that tickets are now on sale for this year’s LegionsCon event! Additionally, the first images of one of this year’s exclusive Mythic Legions sets has just been revealed!
LegionsCon is an annual event focused on the work of Four Horsemen Studios and their Mythic Legions and Cosmic Legions lines. Longtime veterans of the toy industry, Four Horsemen Studios have worked with many of the most well known toy companies out there and on some of the biggest brands. In 2015, they began offering their fantasy-focused Mythic Legions line. In the year’s since, this line, and the companion science-fiction “Cosmic Legions”, have become a worldwide sensation, creating a passionate fan base for these unique collectible action figures.
LegionsCon was founded in 2019 as a small add-on gathering to another Veteri Productions event, ToyConNJ. For 2022, LegionsCon is striking out on its own as a stand-alone con! Held in Secaucus, NJ, LegionsCon 2022 will feature 2 full days of Legions content, including a large showroom full of toy customizers, 3D printers and sculptors, artists, and photographers – all of whom are creating add-on pieces or artwork for the Legions lines. The show will also feature a number of toy sellers offering a variety of products (Legions and non-Legions) as well as the exciting “Independent Toy Creator Showcase”, which will bring in many small, artist-owned toy companies who are putting out some amazing new products and changing the way that action figures are made and marketed to toy fans and collectors!
In addition to the show floor, LegionsCon 2022 will also feature breakout rooms and workshops, entertainment, and 2 exclusive show version figure sets! One of these sets will be sold on the first day of the con, with the second set being offered on the 2nd day. That second day set has just been revealed as the Mythic Legions “Furious Four” 2-pack (see image below). This amazing set includes a pair of figure bodies, 5 heads – including one that is totally exclusive to this deluxe show version, multiple weapons, armor and more! These will be sold at the show and limited to 2-per attendee. The sets will cost $100 each and are sure to be a popular and highly sought after item in the Legions community!
The Day 1 figure exclusive has yet to be revealed, but you can rest assured that it will also be an amazing set that fans will be excited to add to their collections!
Tickets for LegionsCon 2022 are on sale now. The cost of a weekend badge is just $25. The event runs from Saturday, November 5th to Sunday, November 6th. You can find all the details for this year’s show, and a link to purchase tickets, at
Vendor tables are sold out for the event, but we hope to see you there as an attendee for what we promise will be the BIGGEST and BEST LegionsCon to date!
